New Year's Resolutions:
Hey guys. I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish in the year 2007 and of course to reach my weight loss goal is a big one so I am listing my goals and hope you guys will follow suit. We can support each other through this upcoming year.
1. reach weightloss goal
2. finish the projects that I start
3. increase my tolearance to walking
4. organize my apartment and keep it that way.
5. be a better person.
Until now, my resolution has always been to lose weight, but it never worked so I stopped making them. Now, I AM losing, actually see a light at the end of the looooong tunnel, so maybe I'll give this resolution thing a try again.
1. reach my goal and look nice for son's wedding in July
2. work at increasing my business and being more professional
3. try to be more patient with people
4. get out and start walking
5. do something with the back yard
6. keep improving my knitting skills
7. read more
Susan, I love to crotchet and over the holidays have made my son a huge afgan. I want to reach my weightloss goal soon too. Also, I want to get this board up and running and meet as many of the Arkansas folks as I can. I think when I come to Russellville to meet up with you, I will try and bring some more folks with me. Wouldn't that be fun?
Well, since my surgery is schedualed for next Friday, that would be my first goal. To have that done.
1. To be completly compliant with all reccommendations from dr and nurses.
2. To not make myself sick.
3. To join the health club, and go atleast 3-4 days per week.
4. To continue with AA, and counsaling for emotional help.