Hello, to all. Newbie here..Still waiting.
Hi, I am Geri, and I live in Beebe. I just found out yesterday that I am going to be able to fund my LBS. My insurance is a butt, so, I have to go self pay. I am able to take a cash out from my trust fund. Thank you God, and Uncle Jerry..anyway, looks like I will be having surgery sometime in January. Maybe, I can keep a New Year's resolution this year..Yeah...I am going with Dr. Wellborn. Anyone here used him? I really like the seminar, now, I am waiting to get an appointment. Well, hope to talk to you soon. Geri
My reasoning is two fold.. One because my insurance is being a bear about approval. Two because I have had too many friends that have had complications from bypass and said they would never do it again..I was on a forum for bypass, and there was a memorial page for members who had died...and this one girl, younger than me, was so excieted and had pictures up and wrote on the day of her surgery, and then 3 days later her husband wrote and said she had passed..it was just awful to read.. I knew then I couldnt do it. I hope to keep it forever. I know they dont like taking it out once it is in. I cant imagine I could keep off the wieght if I got it off.. I would go crazy for food again, and think it would come right back on..Hey you got snow up there?? talk soon..when is your sons surgery.. how old and what does he wiegh..geri
It is starting to spit a little snow. It is still raining but the temperature is quickly dropping. I didn't go to school today because of the cold and rain. My son is having his surgery in Jan. We are not sure when. He is still getting tested. I had a bypass in October and have done really well. I lost thirty pounds in twenty days, I know I have lost more but have not weighed again. I go back to the surgeon on Dec. 8th. My son considered the lap band but he didn't want to have to go in for fills. I chose the gastric bypass because my insurance paid for it and not the lap band and I wanted something that would give me rapid weight loss and so far so good. I know there are complications with both procedures but the payoff of getting healthy, to me, was worth the possibility of something going wrong.
He stills needs to have the EGD and some blood work. He has the same insurance as I and they approve in five days but first you have to meet requirements and he has been doing the five months of supervised diet. I didn't have any vomitting or any pain. IN fact, the only pain that I had was a headache caused by my blood pressure and once they figured that out, I was fine. My incisions didn't hurt nor did my stomach or anything else. I filled my bottle of pain meds and never took one dose. The only thing that made me sick was two weeks post op when I ate a little too much soup and I got real sick and vomitted but immediately felt better. It is now sleeting and my son just called and said the roads were getting very slick. So, I guess the beginning of the winter storm has begun.
what is an EGD???? my insurance make us do 2 yrs of diet and documentation..that is why i am going self pay..my friends that have had bypass all have to take shots monthly, one almost died from anemia and was in ICU for 2 weeks, the other is sick all the time.. she is skin and bones now..i know not all are like this..but i am happy with my dicession i couldnt afford bypass on my own anyway... it is getting cold here now...geri :-o
It is snowing and sleeting here. An EGD is where they use a long tube and with a tiny camera look at the inside of your stomach to make sure there are no tumors or ulcers before having the surgery, they also take a sample of the stomach lining and test it for a bacteria that can cause ulcers. There are risks with any surgery and a lot of people who have gastric bypass and some who have lapband go to the other extreme and lose more weight than they should. If you are comfortable with your decision, then that is good. The lap band like the bypass is just a tool, you make the best of the tool, the tool doesn't make you.
Hi Geri,
I just wanted to shoot in my 2 cents worth about gastric bypass. I live in Saline County and went to Dr Mark Gibbs. My surgery was 9/14 and I've lost 35lbs. I'm a "lightweight" so it comes off a little slower for us.
Anyway, I came home from the hospital with a big bottle of liquid Lortab (for pain) and never opened it. I haven't once dumped, felt queazy or sick. In fact, the only thing that has kept me down was tearing my achilles tendon three weeks post-op. I'm able to tolerate everything I've tried to eat. Granted, I won't be "trying" ice cream, cookies, etc....that's what got me here, so why go back to it? I'm off all blood pressure and acid reflux medication, and if I have to stay away from sweets to remain healthy, so be it.
I think if you're still in the informational stage, you might want to check out one of Dr Gibbs seminars at Baptist Hospital.
P.S. There is a lap band patient here on OH who had her surgery over a year ago and has only lost 18lbs.
Good luck in your quest, I wish you the best
Thanks, but my main reason is that I am SELF paying.. I just cant afford another 10,000 on top of the 15,000. I know there are ways of cheating the band so to speak.. and I think that may be some peoples problem.. I need something right now.. and I have a huge phobia of vomiting.. with the band if need be I can get it reversed or let out.. with bypass I am stuck with it..I am only about 130lbs over but I would be happy with a 90-100lbs loss. I am tall so that helps.. I have always been able to loose quickly when I try, so, I hope this is the sameway.. Thank you, but because one person has only lost 18lbs I think there must be a reason.. I had a friend that only ate salads (no surgery) and gained wieght.. My biggest problem is protion control.. I know I cant do bypass unless an angel from God drops a load of cash on me..lol..geri