I'm home yeah!!!!!
The posts made me cry. I had an uncomplicated lap rny on the 7th. I was out of it most of that day. I got to the hospital at 5:30. At 6:00 they called my name and took me to pre-op. I got undressed and got under a warmer until 6:30 they started my IV and my husband came back to see me. The nurse was about to give me the happy drug and my husband said can I give it to her and they let him. I got to the or and waited 20 minutes for my Dr. to call and I asked a million questions about all the equipment. The phone rang and they said here you go 2 blinks later I was out. I didn't have a catheter when I got to my room or any drains. I felt pretty good walked that night and all the next day. I asked for a suppository to help with the gas and that worked wonders. I was supposed to come home sunday but there was a mix up with the on call Dr so I stayed an extra day. It was okay because I took another suppository to help with my Bm and gas. I feel great and am getting used to the little amounts I have to take in. I'm sore and only take my pain med at night. But I am okay and very happy with my decision. All of your support was graet.
Glad you did so well, that gives me hope that it won't be so hard on me. I am sure I will get a real date, not a pencilled in date, today. I called yesterday and they had all my paper work and all that was left was for Donna to look it over and give Kim the go ahead to pen me in. The hospital called and I got my post op diet and so everything is good to go. Soon, I will be where you are now, I can't wait. In the mean time, you keep us all posted so we can learn from you.