I am spending most of my time right now out at my parents house because my sister and nephew are here. Well when we got home from shopping yesterday there was a message on the machine from my apartment manager asking my mom to call him about me. I thought that's wierd why not just ask to talk to me oh well. Well she called him back and he said that the property manager told him I had to be out by today. Well let me back up a little bit. About 2 weeks ago I got a note taped to my door telling me I was evicted due to having a messy apartment as an on going thing. I admit that. Well the note said I had til July 31st to be out. Last time I checked yesterday wasn't July 31st. Anyway my dad calls him back and chews him out and says that if they want to evict me that they have to go through the court system and do it. So that bys me a little bit more time to find a place to live. I stayed home from being with my family so I could clean that place top to bottom. I even got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the kitchen was easy getting down but getting back up that was a different story I'm sure that was a pretty picture haha. So now I'm really paranoid that I'm going to come home some day and the locks will have been changed. I HATE THINGS RIGHT NOW!!!
Ok now that I've vented I'm good.
Oh sweetie, I am a landlord so let me tell you that he can't do that. First he has to give you a notice served to you buy a sheriff's officer and after that, they give you like 3 days to pay rent or quit or what ever. I don't think you can get evicted for an unclean house. It has to be from non payment of rent or destruction of property. After the 3 days, they can lock the door but still they can't touch your stuff for like 30 more days. I may even be wrong about the 3 day notice, it might even be 30 days. It takes a lot to evict someone legally. If your rent is paid, he has no leg to stand on, he can, however, raise your rent over and over to get you out. The laws for eviction are on the internet for arkansas and are for the tenant. Research the laws.
Hi Jan,
I'm a landlord also, and I've never evicted anyone for having a messy apartment! And I've had quite a few that I would have loved to evict for not keeping it clean or being messy! haha I don't think that is in any law. Now if it was in your lease that you had to keep the inside of your apartment tidy, then they might have a leg to stand on, but I've never heard of anyone putting THAT into a lease! Are you on a lease right now or are you month to month? I hope you get things worked out soon so you are not worrying about it.
I spent all of yesterday cleaning my apartment so its spic and span and I'm hurting now. I googled tenant rights as you suggested and found out in Arkansas you can evict someone for no apparent reason if you want. I will have my dad come over and take pictures again so they can't use that as an excuse when it comes to court if that's what it takes. I will show what I found to my dad so he knows too. Thanks for listening to me vent guys. I wish you were my landlord it would make things a lot easier. I am hoping that the property manager gives me a decent reference but I doubt she will. So if you hear of a place up here in Benton County for about $350 let me know.
Yes I'm on disability but some of the apartments that are rent controlled have a thing that if you are a student you can't live there and I don't want to give up my schooling just to have a place to live. I called back the guy I went to last week and his partner said they should have a place by the 10th so maybe.