what happens after Lp surgery?
Please tell me what to expect after surgery.I want to get lap band surgery, but I am afraid of getting sick afterwards. My mother had gastric bypass surgery and became very ill behind it. It's been 9 years since her GB....she still has nausea, vomitting, stomach cramps and the foulest smelling gas I've ever smelled. she looks great but she has very brittle bones and a lot of stomach problems.
Hi Nickea,
You won't have the same problems with the lap band as you would with the gastric bypass. The lap band does NOT re-route anything inside you. All it does is put restriction on your stomach and how much you can eat. You will eat less. The only thing you have to be concerned about is to make sure that you don't eat too much, because that can irritate your stomach and/or esophagus. I'm dealing with that right now.
If you have any other questions, just email me.
Cathy in Arkansas
I found the lap band surgery experience to be absolutely GREAT! I had my surgery in lovely, sunny Puerto Vallarta and blew through it. I was back on the beach within 24 hours, getting a manicure and pedicure a few hours after that, and then walked to the outdoor cafe for dinner (soup).
At one month I did experience a bit of swelling from not taking small bites, not chewing well, and not eating slowly. A quick upper GI showed everything was perfect...so I had to adopt new eating habits, which I've done and now have it licked!
As for illness, we do not experience malabsorption, therefore we don't have the problems SOME gastric bypass pts have. Our entire gastro system remains intact, so adhesions, strictures, etc. aren't issues for us. All in all, I'd have to rate this venture a 9. I love my band!
275/257/220/size 12