Wait, I can't make it for coffee.
Hey, here it is after 3:00 and I am sick as a dog or a cat. The cardiologists changed my blood pressure meds and wow did it drop my blood pressure. Every time I stand up I feel like the floor is moving. I'm so sorry. Going to go lay down and hope that tomorrow is better. I promise I will be there for the next meeting, I am just too weak.
I too was planning on being there but if you aren't going, I think this afternoon would be better spent in the swimming pool. Next week would be great for me. Let us know when and where.
I sure hope you get to feeling better. BP meds can sure put your world on a different axis. I sometimes have those feelings and I know my BP is probably bottoming out and I'm not even on meds. Anyway, call that doc and get them fixed up. Take care of you.
Hi Jeannie,
I'm so sorry that you're feeling bad. I almost forgot about our meeting until I was going home after work, and it was 5:15 pm before I remembered! I drove up to Springdale and found no one at Denny's. Oh well.....maybe next time. ;) I wasn't able to eat anything today anyway. I'm on liquids again because I irritated my stoma and esophagus. Ugh!
You take care of yourself!
(((HUGSSSSSS))) ---- Cathy