Rain, no rocks, but one singing cow.
Yesterday, hubby, grandson, and I went to the mountains to look for rocks, and it began to rain and rain and rain. We pulled over near a farm and the cows all came running, guessing there was food. My grandson was so happy to sit there and watch the cows and as luck would have it, one started to mooo. We rolled down the window and in spite of the rain, listened to the cow's song. Then we left and headed back home, no rocks. But when we got home, the sun came out. Go figure. Our contract is out on our phones and we are debating on reknewing. So, today, we will let them go dead and are going to check out another service. I hate that. Hubby says they will not want to lose us and give us a good deal before the end of the day. Famous last words. I don't like change and we have had these phones for years. I have my phone number memorized! It's got nice numbers in it. Today looks like more rain.