Tuesday! Whatcha Eatin? R U Exercising?

Kim S.
on 5/3/11 12:18 am - Helena, AL
It is rainy here and turning cold again today.  Thank the Lord no severe weather coming.  DH and I just got back from the beach (Gulf Shores).  It was a beautiful warm weekend  We jogged and walked miles on the beach and we also went to Ft Morgan road and walked the Pine Beach trail and the Gator Lake trail Sunday.  Had some yummy seafood too!

Eats today:

B1-1/2 c cottage chs with NSA peaches and 1/2 ww english muffin
B2-Kashi bar
S-11 almonds
S-Chobani pineapple yogurt
D-not sure-we are going to the Regions Charity Golf Classic pairing party tonight

no exercise tonight for me--going out

Everyone have a great day!
Leslie M.
on 5/3/11 10:00 am - AL
Going to be a cold night at work for me.  I hate the rain!

B:  1 slice toast and one egg
L:  cheesburger with extra pickles only 1/2 bun and unsweet tea from McD's
S:  banana and 1 tootsie roll
D:  2 c. salad with lettuce, 4 grape tomatoes, 7 olives, 4 stirps peppers, 1/4 c. cheese, and  2 oz chicken  with Catalina dressing
S:  few chips with salsa and a new herbal water...lavender mint...from Earth Fare.

Exercise:  Not happening.  Had a Dr. Appt. today so no walk and it's raining here so being outside as little as possible!
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