

Elle Felts
on 4/15/11 7:25 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
I love 2 pounds this week.  That makes a total of 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I am thrilled and so is my doctor.  I've been really trying to lose the extra 15 pounds I've gained since the first of the year.  My doctor told me....."Hey, it's been almost a DECADE since you've had gastric bypass.  As we age, we as women tend to have a harder time keeping our weight under control and I think you've done an awesome job with your weight loss."  Well, I'm just not gonna SETTLE with this sudden weight gain, so I am really trying hard to watch what I eat these days.  I am thrilled that I've lost 4 pounds in 3 weeks. At least I am not gaining.  As of now, I have two broken feet.  7 months ago, I had my right foot break during some toe cramps I had one night.  I have been in stage 4 renal failure for 3 1/2 years. This has nothing to do with my WLS.  It's all due to me not having WLS sooner and taking control of my life and my diabetes.  Anyway, I generally have HIGH potassium, where as most people suffer from LOW potassium.  Symptoms of both more mainly the same.  Severe leg,feet and toe cramps are one of the symptoms.  Last week, I fell out my back door heading out to the van for work. I have a broken ankle and some small bones in my foot as well.  So, now I have two broken feet.  I am in a boot cast up to my knee on my left foot.  Come to find out, my right foot is STILL broken.  The doctor xraying my left foot, just didn't like the looks of my right foot and wanted to xray it again as well, only to find out there is still a definite break at the base of my third toe.  So, as you can see, I don't have a chance at getting much exercise in. So, losing these very few pounds is a very big deal for me.  There is so much going on in my life right now and I'm finding it very hard to keep it all together.  I ask that those of you that do pray, to please pray for me and my family.  We have lots going on right now and I/we would really appreciate your prayers.  Thank you in advance,

on 4/15/11 10:49 am, edited 4/15/11 10:49 am - n/a, AL
elle, you know i love you, and you and your family will be in my prayers. *hugs* Donya :)

oh, and congratulations! i'd be THRILLED to lose 4 pounds! i think i found the ones you lost, in spite of my best efforts! lol

Elle Felts
on 4/15/11 11:05 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Oh Donya, it's so good to see you and hear from you.  How in the world have you been?  Please update me.  I am so glad to see you are still here.  I disappeared for awhile, but always find my way back home. My OH home that is.  Looking forward to reconnecting with a few friends.

on 4/15/11 12:58 pm - n/a, AL
doing pretty good :) quit my crappy, next-to-nothing paying, online job, and am now looking for a REAL job. haven't found anything yet, but i'm not giving up. i've gained 15-16 pounds (maybe a little more) over the past year due to stress, but i'm TRYING to put those bad habits behind me. my daughter is in the band, and that's gotten me out of the house more. it made me realize what a hermit i'd become, lol. how is everyone there? how are you, kyle, the girls and that precious grandbaby?
Elle Felts
on 4/15/11 11:05 pm - TUSCALOOSA, AL

Honey, if I didn't have my precious grandson and my job, I would probably become a hermit too.  I hate leaving the house and I hate driving.  I get to work 45 minutes early every day, just to avoid the heavy traffic. Sounds crazy, I know, but that's just how much I hate traffic. 

Kyle and I are doing good.  Holly and Beau are about to celebrate their 3rd anniversary and are doing well.  Holly graduated nursing school and is working OB-GYN and loving it.  Beau also has a great job. Jill, on the other hand is happlily getting a divorce from "the scum of the earth" idiot she married.  We are thrilled with her decision.  We are not advocates of divorcing, but under the cir****tances, this was the best decision she could make and she made it all on her own. She really needs everyone's prayers right now.  Also, she is in her 3rd semester in Cosmetology.

Now, on to Master Christian.....he's the love of our lives.  He is such an animated little boy......hummmm, wonder who he gets that from?  LOL  He's adorable, funny and SOOOOO smart.  He comes up with the funniest sayings.....stuff adults would say......he's hilarious.  Oh and beautiful too.

Thanks for asking and I hope you get the job of your dreams.  I am 5 years from retiring and I can't wait to get there.

on 4/16/11 2:43 am - n/a, AL
so great to hear everyone is doing well! YAY for holly and beau and a BIG high-five for jill! good for her! ah, little ones are SO funny! i miss those days-eryn will be 14 in september, and middle school drama makes me want to tear my hair out, lol. i am searching everywhere for a job, but since i've been a SAHM for 11+ years, everyone assumes i'm useless. i've got an uphill battle on my hands.