
looking for surgeon

on 1/12/11 2:49 pm - Florence, AL
Just wanted some help finding a plastic surgeon, if anyone has any personal experience w/a great PS in the Huntsville,Al area. I would appreciate any information you would pass on to me ...Thanks 


on 1/12/11 4:02 pm, edited 1/12/11 10:12 pm - Chiloquin , OR
I would highly recommend Dr. David Gray in Huntsville. His brother has had WLS, so he has first hand knowledge. He is very kind and caring.

Good luck!
glitter - http://www.sparklee.com

on 1/12/11 5:58 pm - Florence, AL
Thank you so much


Hilary P.
on 1/12/11 10:28 pm - Decatur, AL
i just want to chime in so i can see the responses. Im hoping to have plastics this year. I hear good things about the Dunagan Yates and Allison team. I live in Decatur and hear Dr Telepun is good but i havent met with anyone yet so dont know first hand.
on 1/14/11 3:27 pm - Florence, AL
I have emailed Dr. Yates, I got an email back within 2 days he said I could come in for a consultation sounded very nice & responded fast which I liked.


Hilary P.
on 1/14/11 9:42 pm - Decatur, AL
are you going to consult with him? if so please let me know how it goes! 
on 1/15/11 2:08 pm - Florence, AL
I am & I will....


on 1/15/11 10:17 pm - Chiloquin , OR
I have seen Dr. Allison in a couple of seminars. He seems nice and competent. However,...they are the BIG money group in Huntsville. I will NEVER forget the way I felt when I interviewed for a clerical position in their office...before I ever had WLS. They were rude, and I felt VERY out of place in an office of "beautiful people". But...that' just "me". I think they would be my last choice.

For insurance purposes, I used Dr. Patrick Lappert in Decatur. I had the abdominoplasty, paniculectomy, breast lift/augmentation all at the same time. I have been very plesaed with my results. He is very nice, and his nurse Corey is good as well. A small office, 1 Doctor practice. He is former Navy, and since I was a militray wife in a "former life"...that was a comfort zone for me.

Good luck!

glitter - http://www.sparklee.com

on 1/16/11 9:05 am - Florence, AL
Thanks, I'll email him also . I was also a military wife (USAF), I'm just checking some PS out right now I know about the wait so far they all have a little different amount of months to wait.I'm curious about what I need to have done & the difference in cost to me after my insurance pays their part.


Hilary P.
on 1/17/11 12:49 am - Decatur, AL
I thought you had used Lappert thats why i was confused when you said Gray. LOL. I am going to consult w/ dr Lappert also. I hear its wise to consult w/ numerous surgeons. I want to lose a lil more weight first. Being 5 years post op that is hard for me but im constantly trying!!

I may have asked you this and if i have please disregard, but did you take pics or have pics that you'd be willing to share from your surgery w/ Lappert? If not thats totally ok was just curious.

Hope your healing well. I hate your all couped up still!!!