As 2010 ends.....
What have you accomplished this past year? What are you grateful for or proud of in your personal life? Have you met any goals you have set for yourself? As 2010 closes another chapter in our lives, what have we done to make ourselves better people?
Personally, I am grateful to be alive. To have what health I do have. I can look all around me and see people that are in a lot worse health than I am. Although, I do have health issues and have had a broken foot for over 3 months, I see people who often don't even have a foot or leg to stand on. I went to the dr. for a check up yesterday and my foot is still broken, but finally starting to heal slowly. PTL. Also, even though I am diabetic, at least I have it under control and even though my kidneys are weak and failing me, I am glad that I am not on dialysis or having a transplant at this time. Many people don't have a kidney at all , so I am very fortunate for not having to go through all of this at this time. I've managed to maintain my weightloss for 8 1/2 years. I have food on my table and a roof over my head. I have a husband who loves me and takes care of me. I have a wonderful church family and a GOD *****igns over my life. I am so blessed in so many ways and 2010 was a year of loss of loved ones, personal health issues,hurt and pain, new friendships made, old ones renewed, a good job. and to many other things to mention, but the blessings of my Lord and Savior out weigh all the negative in my life. I am truly blessed. What about you? Do you know Him? If not, now is the time to get to know HIM. Don't hesitate too long, for He is coming soon.
Many blessings for 2011. Happy New Year, everyone,
I am blessed! Looking forward to next year!
Happy New Year!