Please keep my brother in your prayers tonight
My brother is on his way home from Clarksville, TN. He went up there to spend the weekend with his daughter and his little granddaughter. He just called and said they have snow plows out in Nashville. He could not believe it. He said cars were off in ditches all along the interstate. Please pray for his safety as he travels back home tonight.
Thank you all so much,
Thank you all so much,
I hope your brother made it home safe and sound. We are heading to WV soon to visit with Kyle's parents and family, They have had a time with all the snow storms up there. I hope we don't get up there and get snowed in. His Mom and been quite sick and having major heart problems. We ask that you will remember Kyle's Mom, Gilda in your prayers. We have been praying earnestly for them to get to know the Lord as their personal Savior. His Mom was a devote Christian when Kyle and his siblings were small, but quit going to church many many many years ago. Kyle and I gave each of them an engraved Bible with their names on it a couple of years ago. His Dad started reading it till he finished the entire book. He called Kyle on many occasions asking him about certain scriptures and such. We just found out that they have recently started attending a Church of God in WV. We are so excited for them. Kyle really wants to go up to visit them, as they are now in their 80's and wants to make sure we see them in Heaven when we all get there. Kyle has shed many tears for thier salvation. Please remember us in our travels.