Wednesday coffee talk
Good morning everyone! Got wonderful things on my mind today...even if I am headed to the dentist later on this morning. Up, enjoying the quiet time and about to get some Study time done. Passed all my MIP Seminary courses and Lucy and I will graduate in just a few short weeks. It has been wonderful!!! Wouldn't take anything for the past year!
Our challenge today is to realize that your comeback is way better than any set back you may face. Taken from Sunday's sermon: Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 8 elections, his fiance died, faced a deep depression BUT his com back was greater than any of his setbacks. He delivered the Emancipation Proclamation and became President. NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU ARE A NOBODY! You are SOMEONE IN CHRIST! Abraham Lincoln was a Christian. His setback set him up for a GREAT COMEBACK! What is God setting you up for? Realize that set backs and crisis come and go, but God is always there with you! You can lose what you have gained, you can over come anything in life, and YOU ARE SOMEBODY!
I'm enjoying my Folgers this morning. I did break down yesterday and have some Elvis Mocha coffee just for my sweetie. LOL
Y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Our challenge today is to realize that your comeback is way better than any set back you may face. Taken from Sunday's sermon: Abraham Lincoln was defeated in 8 elections, his fiance died, faced a deep depression BUT his com back was greater than any of his setbacks. He delivered the Emancipation Proclamation and became President. NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU ARE A NOBODY! You are SOMEONE IN CHRIST! Abraham Lincoln was a Christian. His setback set him up for a GREAT COMEBACK! What is God setting you up for? Realize that set backs and crisis come and go, but God is always there with you! You can lose what you have gained, you can over come anything in life, and YOU ARE SOMEBODY!
I'm enjoying my Folgers this morning. I did break down yesterday and have some Elvis Mocha coffee just for my sweetie. LOL
Y'all have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning my dear friend!!!! I thank God for going through the setbacks with me and making them stepping stones to the comebacks. Hallelujah!!!! They are our testimonies. Jesus can use each one of us to help someone when they have gone through similar set backs. Oh how sweet Jesus has been in my life and how true and real. I love Him so much!!!! My prayer is for everyone to realize this love and peace that He offers. You have such an awesome testimony. I love you and you have an awesome day!!!!