Wednesday hugs

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways. (Isaiah 55:9)
Our definition of what is good changes as we come to know Jesus and grow into His likeness. However, God always sees what is absolutely good for us...He gives us only the things that are truly beneficial for our growth as His children and that are beneficial for the advancement of His kingdom on this earth. The question that we should ask ourselves if we have an unmet need is: Is this thing that I need something that God defines as good for my life? My wants and my needs are often two totally different things. God will give us the desires of our hearts, but as Beth Moore says: "what are the heart of your desires?" I often have to check myself when I am "not getting my way" with God. Is what I want going to cause me to slip, to hurt someone or in any way hinder His work, is it a selfish want - or is it something that will glorify God and promote and lift Him up?