guess what I did this morning
I worked all last night(ha/ha. I stay and sleep) at 5:40 the phone rang. There was an emergency and they needed me to drive a school bus. I tried to get out of it by saying I was working but the driver was the daughter of the lady I was sitting with. so she knew I had been asleep all night and had been up for an hour and already drank a pot of coffee. I have never been on this route before. I did not know where I was going, when I got there I didn't know where I was and when I left I didn't know where I had been. And to top it off it was snowing so hard I couldn't see the road. But I made it there safe and sound. I sunk down in the seat (you don't have to say I'm to short to be seen anyway)so the other drivers would not know I subbed for somebody. If they find out they will be calling me and wanting me to drive for them. I don't really want to do it. Once or twice a year will be okay but not on a regular basis. It just made me so happy that I retired. Love,Miss Mary