Hugs on an awesome Saturday!!

..."If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching..." (John 14:23-24)
If we truly love the Lord, we will obey Him. There are so many times when I have to repent. We are human and we live in an imperfect body and an imperfect world. Therefore, we will err. However, the difference in this is, those who love the Lord will realize that they have done this, repent and all will be forgiven. The Lord does make His home in us, but He cannot have the attitude I have some of the time. That is when I have to say "forgive me". We obey His teachings by reading the Word and learning what we should do. Loving Him is not lip service, it is something much much deeper. Love is an action verb. When we love Him, it will show.
Oh Shirley it was awesome!!! We had such a fantastic time. I have pics, but have not had time to post. Hopefully, I will this evening. I have to go to Trussville in a minute. I sure hope to see you next year. I am getting it ready now. I will be announcing it within the next few weeks. You have you a great day!!! Love ya!!