Monday hugs
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24)
I read this passage several weeks ago. Each time I read through the Bible, I realize something that I did not before. I looked at John and I asked him just exactly what it means to worship God in spirit and in truth. Well, I needed to understand the rest of the story. Jesus went to Jacob's well and rested. (Yep, He got tired too.) A Samaritan woman came out (and you have to understand, Jews and Samaritans did not mix. Samaritans were thought to be beneath Jews.) Anyway, he explained to her about the living water. When she asked for this water, Jesus asked her to go and bring her husband, at which she replied, she did not have one. She had had five husbands and the man she was living with was not her husband. Jesus tested her to see if she would be honest. She was. Often, I have caught myself not being truthful with God. How dumb I am. He knows all. However, He wants me to worship Him in spirit (from the depths of my being) and in truth. I am simple, so I asked God to reveal to me what He meant. I have some very pretty costume jewelry. It did not cost much, but it is pretty. This jewelry is fake and a jeweler can tell the difference, however, someone not familiar with jewelry could not. I can wear it and allow people to think it is real, knowing all the time, it is fake. That is kinda what He has shown me about worshiping Him in truth. I can act as a believer and do all the things I should do and look really really good, but in the end, will I shine as the real thing, or will I tarnish like my costume jewelry? I want my praise, my life and anything I am to be truthful and only for the glory of God. I lived too many years in lies. Please Lord, help me not to be a costume Christian.
Good morning, Jan!!!! I am so simple in my thinking. I have often wished that I were more knowledgable and understood better, but I have found that when I have questions or do not understand, all I have to do is ask. He knows my thought process even better than I do and He can and will explain everything to me in the manner that I can understand. I just get so excited when I get a nugget such as this, because it sticks with me. You have you a great day!!!!!