Wednesday Hugs

Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. (John 16:24)
When I ask God specifically to let me know if something is right or wrong for me, He gives me an answer. If I have no answer, then I assume that I need to do a little more investigating. Sooner or later, I will come to a point where I will hear God's clear answer in my spirit. In order to get a clear answer we need to truly seek our Lord daily and read His Word, talk to HIm often, and desire to hear those answers, He is faithful to answer. Sometimes it is the still small voice, sometimes it is through His Word and other times, it may be as simple as someone saying something that confirmed the answer for me. I guess, the most important lesson I have learned through the years is to wait. When I go ahead and do "my thing" thinking it is right, I usually make a big mess. He never says He will answer immediately or that He will answer "yes". He wants our joy to be full. He will answer in His way and in His time.