Friday Hugs!!!
Sending out hugs on this awesome Friday morning. Every day that God grants us is an awesome day. YOu all have a great one!!!! I love y'all!!
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your sould prospers. (3 John 2)
God blesses those who love and serve Him and walk according to His ways. When we walk in wisdom, we will prosper. God's prosperity is for the whole person- spirit, mind and body. This one verse right here encloses the totality of prosperity - prosperity in our health, our soul, and in all things whi*****ludes all relationships, endeavors, investments, and the management of all possessions. God wants to bless us. Some never see the blessings because they are seeking financial blessings. However, good health, spiritual health and good relationships with friends and family are worth much more than money.
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your sould prospers. (3 John 2)
God blesses those who love and serve Him and walk according to His ways. When we walk in wisdom, we will prosper. God's prosperity is for the whole person- spirit, mind and body. This one verse right here encloses the totality of prosperity - prosperity in our health, our soul, and in all things whi*****ludes all relationships, endeavors, investments, and the management of all possessions. God wants to bless us. Some never see the blessings because they are seeking financial blessings. However, good health, spiritual health and good relationships with friends and family are worth much more than money.
Hi Carmen,
I reading this on Saturday afternoon. I've been sick, so I've been kind of out of it. On and off the computer and never getting so far as to read the OH board.
I had to comment on your beautiful commentary on this scripture. As usual you are right on! Most people do think of finances ONLY when they hear prosper. I get very turned off when I hear preaching on prosperity when the focus is on financial prosperity. There is SO much more as you point out to prospering. Yes, God does want us to prosper in ALL areas of our lives including financial...but good health, spiritual health, good relationships with friends and family are worth so much more. Money doesn't mean anything if we don't have those things!! Thank you. I love you.
I reading this on Saturday afternoon. I've been sick, so I've been kind of out of it. On and off the computer and never getting so far as to read the OH board.
I had to comment on your beautiful commentary on this scripture. As usual you are right on! Most people do think of finances ONLY when they hear prosper. I get very turned off when I hear preaching on prosperity when the focus is on financial prosperity. There is SO much more as you point out to prospering. Yes, God does want us to prosper in ALL areas of our lives including financial...but good health, spiritual health, good relationships with friends and family are worth so much more. Money doesn't mean anything if we don't have those things!! Thank you. I love you.
Hey there Connie!!! I am so sorry that you are sick. You will be in my prayers I am so blessed. John and I have never had a lot, but we have Jesus and all that comes with Him, so we are very very rich. We also have peace in knowing that no matter what comes or goes, we are going to be fine because we are children of the King. I love you!!!!