Wednesday Hugs!!!

The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has prepared herself. (Revelation 19:7)
It takes months to prepare a wedding. I have never known of a wedding that was prepared overnight and done right. In order for a wedding to take place, there has to be a talk with the caterers, the florist, the minister/judge, the photographer, the dress makers or dress shop, and many other people. It does not just happen. Then after all the planning is done and the groom stands waiting at the alter, the beautiful bride walks down the aisle to him. It is a beautiful scene, but it takes much planning. I have never seen a bride get partially down the aisle and say "oh wait a minute, I forgot to brush my hair" or "I forgot my shoes". She is ready and more beautiful than ever in her life. Much in the same way, when our Groom comes for us, we must be ready. We have to have everything planned and in order. We will not have time to say "wait a minute, I have to do this or that". We must be ready at that split second.
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/10 9:54 pm
on 1/19/10 9:54 pm
Good morning Carmen!! My prayers are with those in Haiti and anyone who has family or friends there.
Please say a prayer for Leo as he has pneumonia. My oncologist has put me on steroid (whoopee- NOT) to see if we can get this cough taken care of.
Blessings to you and all.
Please say a prayer for Leo as he has pneumonia. My oncologist has put me on steroid (whoopee- NOT) to see if we can get this cough taken care of.
Blessings to you and all.