Monday Hugs

I want to share something that some of you already know, but I had to clear it with my son before I made it public. Six months ago today, my son came home early in the morning. He had been out all night boozing and drugging it up. son is an alcoholic and a drug addict. That was really really hard for me to admit. I tried everything in MY power to change him and over the last few years, things only got worse. His addictions grew larger, his lies grew more and his life became a haze. Oh July 4, 2009, he came home and I gave him two options - he could pack his bags and leave my home or he could go to the rehab of my choice. He did not have anywhere to go, so he chose rehab. It would take a while to tell you the road that lead to choosing this certain rehab, but it was a path cut out by God. When I left him at the rehab, he was standing in the front of the building smoking, crying and almost begging me to take him back home. I looked at John and asked him could I just try one more time to fix him. John gave me a firm "no". At that point, I threw my hands up and told God that it was all up to Him and that He had to take control. I realized at that point that I had no control over his life and could do nothing to help him except pray. After about 10 days, he called and wanted to leave. I told him he could leave but he could not come home. We had many ups and downs for the first couple of months, but after a while, he began to trust in the Lord. To make a very very long story son graduates today. July 4, 2009 was truly our independence day. I began giving up control of many things and Adam began getting sober. He is not coming home, although my heart would love that, but he is staying and will be ministering to others just like him. I know there are sceptics, but the people who have walked this road and prayed many prayers for Adam can attest to the fact that this young man was a mess. I can attest that so was his mother. God has totally changed our lives in the past 6 months and I praise Him for that. He can and will do GREAT things if we only move out of the way and let Him. Someone asked me not long after Adam went to rehab what I would do if he relapsed. My answer to them was...I have already done it.
(Sorry about the length today, but I am just on cloud nine and had to share the awesomeness of my Lord and Savior!!!)
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him. (Psalm 145:18)
Oh Carmen...what a wonderful witness! I new part of the story, but not all of it.
As one of the people who has been praying for you and Adam, I feel so blessed that I was able to pray. Our God IS and AWESOME God and as long as we get out of His way and allow Him to do what He wants to do...He does these wondeful and miraculous things.
I know you are proud of and proud for Adam and I know your heart is bursting with pride...a pride that can only come through the love of Christ, knowing that it was He who gave Adam and you the strenghth needed to get through these six long months to where Adam should be... helping others who are walking the road that he knows and can identify with. A place where God called him to be so that he can carry on HIS work to help others become the people God wants them to be.
Praise the Lord. I love you Carmen and I feel such happiness and joy for you! Sending hugs
back to you!

As one of the people who has been praying for you and Adam, I feel so blessed that I was able to pray. Our God IS and AWESOME God and as long as we get out of His way and allow Him to do what He wants to do...He does these wondeful and miraculous things.
I know you are proud of and proud for Adam and I know your heart is bursting with pride...a pride that can only come through the love of Christ, knowing that it was He who gave Adam and you the strenghth needed to get through these six long months to where Adam should be... helping others who are walking the road that he knows and can identify with. A place where God called him to be so that he can carry on HIS work to help others become the people God wants them to be.
Praise the Lord. I love you Carmen and I feel such happiness and joy for you! Sending hugs will never know how much those prayers have meant to us. Without those prayers, we are so hopeless. I now enjoy talking and carrying on with Adam. I told him that the other day. It was hard to even be around him for about 6 or so years. However, God has restored my son and our life. God is truly a God of restoration. I love you so much, Connie!!!