Hello everyone...
How is everyone tonight? We are just chillin here tonight. We sang and preached at Thomasville Church of God today. It was a wonderful service and great fellowship. I had big plans to take down all my decorations yesterday but somehow the day ended and everything is still up!!! Tomorrow....i promise!!!!
Christmas was wonderful around here. I am so glad I have another week off. I have to get everything back in order and then we have a watch night service Thursday night. We also have a singing on Saturday night. My week will be over all too soon.
Hope you all have a great week and be blessed!!!
Christmas was wonderful around here. I am so glad I have another week off. I have to get everything back in order and then we have a watch night service Thursday night. We also have a singing on Saturday night. My week will be over all too soon.
Hope you all have a great week and be blessed!!!
We are doing fine in Blount Co. Went to church this morning and went tonight to another church with my friend. Singing it was great. Yesterday went to Maxie's sisters' it was a beautiful day His brother and other sister were there, all of their kids and the Grandkids and great grandkids there tooo. It was wonderful! We have watch night Thursday night too. 2009 is just about gone. Hope and pray you have a Blessed week. Love Froggy
Hi Debbie and Jimmy! 
Glad to hear that you have had a nice Christmas Season. Of course, Christmas is always a
special time of the year and even more so when you can spend it with Family and Friends.
Mom has been taking the Christmas decorations down around here today. Things are beginning
to look "normal" again. It is hard to believe it is almost 2010 already. Where does the time go?
I don't go back to wor****il Thursday--then after Thursday, I am off until Monday. Thursday is more
a "testing the waters" thing for me. I had foot surgery on Christmas Eve morning and have been at home
since. I am non weight bearing on the foot for 6-8 weeks, so work may prove to be a challenge for me.
But, It will work out. My employer is very willing to work with me to make any necessary accommodations and I am very thankful for that! I do have short/long term disability available, but prefer to get back as quickly as I possibly can.
If you guys are ever going to be in the North Alabama area, please let me know. I would love to attend one of your services sometime.

Glad to hear that you have had a nice Christmas Season. Of course, Christmas is always a
special time of the year and even more so when you can spend it with Family and Friends.
Mom has been taking the Christmas decorations down around here today. Things are beginning
to look "normal" again. It is hard to believe it is almost 2010 already. Where does the time go?
I don't go back to wor****il Thursday--then after Thursday, I am off until Monday. Thursday is more
a "testing the waters" thing for me. I had foot surgery on Christmas Eve morning and have been at home
since. I am non weight bearing on the foot for 6-8 weeks, so work may prove to be a challenge for me.
But, It will work out. My employer is very willing to work with me to make any necessary accommodations and I am very thankful for that! I do have short/long term disability available, but prefer to get back as quickly as I possibly can.
If you guys are ever going to be in the North Alabama area, please let me know. I would love to attend one of your services sometime.
Hi Carolyn. I know it is hard for you to sit on your hinny!!! You always stay so busy. I also know how it is to feel good but have to stay off the feet. What did you have done? Those few weeks in August that I was off my feet was pretty rough. I knew I had to follow the Dr.s orders but I also knew things were piling up both here and at work. Thank goodness I made it through. I was only off for 3 weeks.
Take care of that foot and follow Dr.'s orders!!!
Take care of that foot and follow Dr.'s orders!!!
Yes Debbie, the staying off my foot and staying still is proving to be difficult for me. I have not been away from home once since I came home on Thursday eveining. I have only been outside the house and onto the patio twice and it was chilly so those were a short stay outside. My friends who know me best have been shocked that I have really stayed off this thing.
I had a Tarsal Tunnel Release done. Much like Carpal Tunnel, only it is in the foot/ankle instead of the hand/wrist. (I have also had Carpal Tunnel releases done of both hands/wrist in the past.) This is a repeat for me. I had this done nine years ago and just as was previously found, there were again multiple ganglion cysts inside the tunnel of the foot entrapping the nerves. I will get the hard cast off on January 6 and will then be in a "Boot" for six to eight weeks longer. But--if the surgery turns out to be successfull, it will be worth it all. Actually, it already is. I can already tell there is a decrease in the pain and numbness--It will just take some time to see how successful this is at possibly reversing some long term nerve damage. Even if the nerve damage is not/can not be reversed, a decrease in symptoms and pain is a good thing.
I bet it was difficult for you to be down for three weeks. As much as you and Jimmy travel, I can not imagine!
Mom and Dad are here and take good care of me--and while Hannah is out of school--she is here. She checks on me about every 10 minutes just to be sure there is nothing I need. She is such a sweet child with so much love to give. I can't imagine my life without her around. Hannah told my Mom last night, that I needed an ice pack. Mom jokingly told her that I sure did need a lot. Mom told me that Hannah popped her hand up on her hip and said..."Nanny, Sissy is sick, she is hurt and she needs help. Just let me take care of her." All that from a 7 year old. I think I see a career in nursing or medicine in her future.
Oh well....I am fighting sleep, so I think I will try to call it a night. If I don't sleep, I will be back on line. All this free time has given me lots of time to read the boards and try to catch up on what is going on.
I had a Tarsal Tunnel Release done. Much like Carpal Tunnel, only it is in the foot/ankle instead of the hand/wrist. (I have also had Carpal Tunnel releases done of both hands/wrist in the past.) This is a repeat for me. I had this done nine years ago and just as was previously found, there were again multiple ganglion cysts inside the tunnel of the foot entrapping the nerves. I will get the hard cast off on January 6 and will then be in a "Boot" for six to eight weeks longer. But--if the surgery turns out to be successfull, it will be worth it all. Actually, it already is. I can already tell there is a decrease in the pain and numbness--It will just take some time to see how successful this is at possibly reversing some long term nerve damage. Even if the nerve damage is not/can not be reversed, a decrease in symptoms and pain is a good thing.
I bet it was difficult for you to be down for three weeks. As much as you and Jimmy travel, I can not imagine!
Mom and Dad are here and take good care of me--and while Hannah is out of school--she is here. She checks on me about every 10 minutes just to be sure there is nothing I need. She is such a sweet child with so much love to give. I can't imagine my life without her around. Hannah told my Mom last night, that I needed an ice pack. Mom jokingly told her that I sure did need a lot. Mom told me that Hannah popped her hand up on her hip and said..."Nanny, Sissy is sick, she is hurt and she needs help. Just let me take care of her." All that from a 7 year old. I think I see a career in nursing or medicine in her future.
Oh well....I am fighting sleep, so I think I will try to call it a night. If I don't sleep, I will be back on line. All this free time has given me lots of time to read the boards and try to catch up on what is going on.
Hi Debbie,
I am doing great now that I am awake again!! I fell aasleep last night while in mid post to you!! Believe it or not, I didit again! Tee hee! It must be something to do with this keyboard.
Anyway hi...I miss you guys! Next year we have definitely got to make a plan. I'm glad your Christmas was wonderful. Ours was too. My family was at our house...that's probably why I am falling asleep.
Enjoy the rest of your time off, singing for the Lord! Love you both!! I'm gonna go an send this before I fall back asleep!! LOL
I am doing great now that I am awake again!! I fell aasleep last night while in mid post to you!! Believe it or not, I didit again! Tee hee! It must be something to do with this keyboard.
Anyway hi...I miss you guys! Next year we have definitely got to make a plan. I'm glad your Christmas was wonderful. Ours was too. My family was at our house...that's probably why I am falling asleep.
Enjoy the rest of your time off, singing for the Lord! Love you both!! I'm gonna go an send this before I fall back asleep!! LOL