Wednesday Hugs

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)
Anytime we have a need, problem, question, doubt or lack of something (financially, physically, spiritually, etc.) in our lives, we can turn to God right then, make our request known, and receive His wisdom and His provisions. God's provisions for us may come about in steps or stages. It may come instantaneously. We may not receive immediately all that we request, but the tide is turned the moment we ask. Whenever we cast all of our cares and concerns upon Him and totally rely on Him to supply our needs and to show us how we are to live, He is quick to respond. Just remember, things are done in His way and in His time...not ours. I often have gotten impatient and went ahead of God and messed things up real good. I am learning more and more to wait upon the Lord for He does care for us.