Hugs on an awesome Tuesday!!!
Sending out huge hugs on this awesome Tuesday morning. WOW...only 10 days til Christmas. The older I get, the faster it comes. You all have an awesome day today!!!!! I love y'all!!!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9)
If we are not seeing God's promises fulfilled in our lives, maybe we are overlooking the process. Some become discouraged in not reaching the promise fast enough and quit. Sucess in anything is in holding on, even when others let go. We want what we want and we want it now. However, we must exhibit faith. There are no shortcuts to the process we must go through, no matter our level of faith. Endurance is the price for any achievement. The Word tells us in due season we will reap if we do not lose heart. Hold on to the Word and to His promises. I have never ran in a marathon, but I have watched marathons. The runners who win are often worn out, tired and fall to the ground as soon as they reach the finish line. But they pursued and they did not give up. They may be tired, thirsty and to the point that they may have wanted to quit, but they didn't. They kept on going, believing they would acheive the goal they were in pursuit of...and they did. That is how we must be. We must keep believing, even when it becomes hard to walk, hard to smile, hard to get out of the bed....look to God and He will pick us up, dust us off and get us back on track so that we reach the finish line.