Just an Update....Sorry so long!
Well ladies and gents...I dont know how Ive done it, but I am still managing to drop weight. I went from 198-193 in a matter of a day. I know that now that Im pregnant I need to maintain, but its not like Im trying to get the weight off anymore. There are actually things I do I wish I didnt...(like eat candy, please dont yell at me too bad). I am 9 weeks as of today and I guess the baby is doing great. Finals for school are this weekend, and then I am done with this semester. THANK GOODNESS!! Im starting to worry about getting everything ready for baby....(i know i still got a ways to go, but babys require a lot of junk and I am super anal about things being done right.)
anyway, chad is good, hes super excited about our little "puffin". we got to hear a heartbeat last week and it was about 180 beats a min. woah!! super baby in there!! We are almost in the clear just a few more weeks and ill be out of the dreaded 1st trimester!
We may be moving in may. I was actually planning on buying this house but because of my lack of intake I will be put on bedrest early for the pregnancy and forcefed calories, this will cause me to "lose" my job (they will let me come back, but.....) I ll use up my short term disability until oct. sometime then i will have the option to go back to work or take advantage of unemployment and stay home with my lil puffin. Im going the puffin route! I have worked in and paid my part for quite some time (at least 10 years so far) and I know i have plenty more to go.so yes, im going to use that time to spend with my baby, and when i can no longer do it, i will go back to work. (hopefully after puffin turns a year old) So anyway, back to the story, because my income wont be what it is, i wont be able to put this house in my name quite yet, besides the landlord said we could continue to rent it as long as we understand that anything that goes wrong/breaks we are responsible to fix it. (im not fixing things i dont own) so i prefer to go back to apartment living. only catch....now we have two dogs and two cats! (not to mention adding the baby!) so maybe ill get lucky and find a lil house somewhere for rent with a fenced in yard that is big enough for the 7 of us. lol
Speaking of animals... I have one baby kitten that will be weaned by xmas, if anyone is looking for one. Shes a real sweetheart. Her name is Tiny. Shes the smallest of her littermates and by far the less evil. Lol.
Love all of you
anyway, chad is good, hes super excited about our little "puffin". we got to hear a heartbeat last week and it was about 180 beats a min. woah!! super baby in there!! We are almost in the clear just a few more weeks and ill be out of the dreaded 1st trimester!
We may be moving in may. I was actually planning on buying this house but because of my lack of intake I will be put on bedrest early for the pregnancy and forcefed calories, this will cause me to "lose" my job (they will let me come back, but.....) I ll use up my short term disability until oct. sometime then i will have the option to go back to work or take advantage of unemployment and stay home with my lil puffin. Im going the puffin route! I have worked in and paid my part for quite some time (at least 10 years so far) and I know i have plenty more to go.so yes, im going to use that time to spend with my baby, and when i can no longer do it, i will go back to work. (hopefully after puffin turns a year old) So anyway, back to the story, because my income wont be what it is, i wont be able to put this house in my name quite yet, besides the landlord said we could continue to rent it as long as we understand that anything that goes wrong/breaks we are responsible to fix it. (im not fixing things i dont own) so i prefer to go back to apartment living. only catch....now we have two dogs and two cats! (not to mention adding the baby!) so maybe ill get lucky and find a lil house somewhere for rent with a fenced in yard that is big enough for the 7 of us. lol
Speaking of animals... I have one baby kitten that will be weaned by xmas, if anyone is looking for one. Shes a real sweetheart. Her name is Tiny. Shes the smallest of her littermates and by far the less evil. Lol.
Love all of you
I love your text messages. You are such a sweet friend! Although sometimes my phone is on silent and I don't respond instantly you know how work can be! :) Especially Mondays.
I am so excited for you. Although I know you so dread moving.
You know you still have that number of the recruiter so maybe working from home after the benefits run out may be a great option for you; especially with a baby! At least then you can be at home; even if you chose to work a different schedule or same as now.. We are always hiring for some position somewhere as they continue to pick up new clients. (Not just DirecTv and Sprint.)
Who knows what will be open in October! :)
I am so glad you are coming to visit. I love visitors! Will be good to see you again after all this time too! I might not even recognize you as you were early out then!
Good Luck with Tiny. Post on Facebook. I did that with pictures and someone I didn't even know (a friend of a friend - but we soon became friends!) Snatched up one of my dogs! I had someone take it to her and drop it off and she posts pictures of the dog so my little Jacob can keep up with her.
Anyway.. keep those texts coming! I love chatting with you. And know I am praying for you and am so excited about the little one coming. See ya all soon
I love your text messages. You are such a sweet friend! Although sometimes my phone is on silent and I don't respond instantly you know how work can be! :) Especially Mondays.
I am so excited for you. Although I know you so dread moving.
You know you still have that number of the recruiter so maybe working from home after the benefits run out may be a great option for you; especially with a baby! At least then you can be at home; even if you chose to work a different schedule or same as now.. We are always hiring for some position somewhere as they continue to pick up new clients. (Not just DirecTv and Sprint.)
Who knows what will be open in October! :)
I am so glad you are coming to visit. I love visitors! Will be good to see you again after all this time too! I might not even recognize you as you were early out then!
Good Luck with Tiny. Post on Facebook. I did that with pictures and someone I didn't even know (a friend of a friend - but we soon became friends!) Snatched up one of my dogs! I had someone take it to her and drop it off and she posts pictures of the dog so my little Jacob can keep up with her.
Anyway.. keep those texts coming! I love chatting with you. And know I am praying for you and am so excited about the little one coming. See ya all soon

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06