Monday hugs

She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21)
We are so blessed that Jesus came to be our savior. The prophets of the Old Testament longed for Him, but God chose us to be the ones to receive the gift of His presence. His life is no longer just words recorded on sheets of papyrus. Instead, He is a living, breathing reality. Have you accepted God's eternal gift of hope by placing your trust in the unchanging, unshifting reality of Jesus Christ? His birth is an anchor to our sould and a promise fulfilled that we can trust with everything in us. As I was coming to work today, it was so foggy out that I could barely see in front on me. As I was meditating on the fog, a thought came to me that the sun would come out and the fog would go away. You know...that's how it is for us in our walk with Christ....once the Son comes in...the fog rolls away.
I love Matthew and Luke! Especially this time of year ;)
Yesterday our new Pastor was telling us to pray for doors to be opened to bring people in our lives to share our testimony or witness to. He said when we pray that he does answer and open doors. Today I prayed that and within an hour the door was opened and my prayer was answered. What an awesome God we serve! And how great it is that he opens those doors to bring people in our lives that we may share what a LOVING MIGHTY GOD He is!!
I am going to pray that every day now and be prepared when the doors fly open. He loves us all so much.
I am so thankful for you Momma!! SO thankful God has continued to answer my prayers.
Talk about fog rolling away! Woohoo.. the SON coming out is so beautiful!
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06