Sunday Hugs

I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. (Psalm 138:2)
He is love and He is ever faithful. If there is a situation that is too hard for you, just give it to Him and allow Him to do what He does best...take care of us. He should be exalted above all things in our lives. How much time do we spend loving Him each day, reading His Word, and just sitting and listening to Him? How would we feel if our children spent as much time with us as we do with our Heavenly Father? He loves us so and wants us to spend time with Him. Praise Him, give HIm time each day and exalt Him above all things!!!!
Hey there Stefanie. It was great seeing you too. You all have an awesome Christmas and a fantastic New Year. We are going to have the best Christmas ever. All of my children will be here this year for the first time in 4 years!!!! I just praise the Lord for that and I am about excited LOL. Love you!!!!