Thursday hugs

As he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)
What we think makes a huge difference in what we say and do. Our thoughts, which come out of our basic beliefs, are like the traffic controllers of our lives. They determine where we go, what activities we pursue, how we pursue them, the people we are willing to include in our lives, and many other factors, all of which result in our ultimate success or failure. The way we think about other people also becomes the way we treat other people. The way we think about situations becomes the way we respond to them. Watch your life for a week. Write down how you are thinking and then watch what happens. Are you speaking negatively about everything?? I use to be this way and believe me, my life was very negative. I love this verse because it is so true. As I think in my heart, I am. What are we thinking in our hearts???