Avatar finally
I finally have my avatar done. I e-mailed Gwen my photo to [email protected] and she got it on for me. I had resized it but kept getting error message when tried to post it. Done now so all my OH Alabama friends can "see" me, finally. Just to update everyone I will be away from Dec 09,209-Jan 16, 2010. I am going to help my brother who fell down some steps at his Church on Nov 2 and broke his femur and tibia and had surgery Nov 4. He can't put any weight on his leg until 6-8 weeks which should be between middle to end of Dec. Shouldn't have any problems once the cast is off, other than going to rhab which I told him he is going to work very hard at because I can't push him if he's in a wheel chair, but advised OT & PT that they need to get him up and using the walker to get around now because I told him I am not waiting on him hand and foot and he is not going to lie in bed and watch TV all day, either. He may want to me to leave, but I'm gonna be tough on him or he will not do anything for himself. Please keep us in your prayers that we don't come to blows at each other, I'm already to do that with my sister, but that's another issue. Hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and don't leave Christ out of Christmas. your OH friend from Mississippi, Linda