Thursday Hugs
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad. (Psalm 126:3)
Can a person live in joy, peace and contentment every second of every day throughout life??? No. We have moments of panic, fear, discouragement, sadness, disappointment, or pain hit all of us from time to time. But, joy, peace and contentment can be the characteristics of our attitudes, our moods, and our outlook. When we know with certainty that God is in control, and that He is at work in our lives, we have the genuine capacity to praise and thank Him even in the midst of the most depressing times. Our praise and thanksgiving create in us very live feelings of joy and peace. Just try it...the next time an obstacle comes against you, believe in your heart that God has it all under control and ask Him for peace and contentment believing and not doubting that you will receive this.