Such a beautiful phrase...

Carmen G.
on 11/9/09 3:30 am - Lincoln, AL
Our associate pastor (Bill Byrd) posted this on FB today and I love it.

 The things that make you cry...that stir compassion...these are clues to your assignment in life. Let your tears talk to your spirit and help you discover who is waiting for you to be God's answer to prayer.
happy girl
on 11/9/09 7:17 pm - Pensacola, FL
"The things that make you cry...that stir compassion...these are clues to your assignment in life."

Very well said...and I know this was speaking to me!  Sometimes, I just feel like throwing my hands up and giving up - moving in a different direction, but God keeps bringing me back.  I know it is b/c my passion is for what I do and my compassion is for who I serve. 


Carmen G.
on 11/9/09 8:49 pm - Lincoln, AL
That is it in a nutshell, Jackie.  I love you!!!
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