Wednesday hugs
Sending out huge hugs on this awesome Wednesday morning. Please remember all of those who are sick today and hurting. You all have a great day. I love ya!!!
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:25-26)
This came to me one day as I was talking to a friend. I will never be ashamed of my Savior. He has done so many things for me. I cannot begin to tell you all of the wonders I have experienced. Just a few are my grandson be healed from leukemia, my mother being healed of cancer and my child being delivered from drugs....and these are just a few. He is AWESOME and I will shout His praise forever. I just love Him so and thank Him for loving me.

on 9/22/09 10:49 pm
on 9/22/09 11:09 pm

He's been there for me through the following:
1. My fathers death in 1996
2. My husbands death in 1999
3. My fiance's death in 2002
4. My 16 year old daughter's pregnancy in 2002
5. Cancer last year
These are just a few of the highlights. So much more has been given to me. In 1982 my first husband and I both taught school and during the summers we would take small part time jobs. This particular summer we went to work in a convenience store from midnight to 6:00 a.m. We were supposed to work up until the week before school started. For some reason, the owner of the store called us up about 2 weeks earlier than we expected and told us she needed to go ahead and get someone in there that would be able to stay through Christmas. She let us go. My husband was so upset and mad. He really let the lady know how he felt about this. Not with a foul mouth but still he was very upset. Our last night was a Friday night. Wesley trained the new man who was taking his place. He knew him previously. Anyway, Sunday morning around 2:00 a.m. the owner called us and asked us to come to the store. The guy who had taken Wesley's place had just been shot and killed. I still get chills when I think about this. That owner looked Wesley in the face and asked him this question. Now do you see why I let you go earlier than we had agreed on? Now, this owner was not a Christian yet he understood that God had just been working His plan to protect Wesley's life. We both learned a valuable lesson that day. Never question why God doesn't always answer us the way we want Him to or when we think He should. We have no idea what tomorrow may hold for us. We have no idea that he could have just saved us from a 3 car accident on the interstate - we were just mad because we lost our keys and couldn't find them.
So you are right. He is AWESOME and we should be so thankful for not only the things we know about but for all the unknown things as well.