Hello My Friends, and an Update!
I realize it has been a LONG time since I posted here, but I wanted to stop in and say hello and post an update.
I am FIVE years postop, and have maintained my 105 pound weightloss fairly well, even through one pregnancy 2 years ago. Yes, Jameson is now TWO!! My how time flies now!!
I am once again gaining weight, because I am PREGNANT!!! Chuck and I are expecting another little boy in late February, and we are so thrilled to share the news with everybody! We treasure your friendship as well as your thoughts and prayers. I have missed everyone so much, but life is a bit hectic lately. I still keep up with a lot of you on Facebook, even if I am not here often.
To all of you newly postop, welcome to a fabulous journey!! Having gastric bypass was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I am thankful for my experience and results! To all of my buddies here, I have missed you a lot, but still love and think of you often! :)
I am FIVE years postop, and have maintained my 105 pound weightloss fairly well, even through one pregnancy 2 years ago. Yes, Jameson is now TWO!! My how time flies now!!
I am once again gaining weight, because I am PREGNANT!!! Chuck and I are expecting another little boy in late February, and we are so thrilled to share the news with everybody! We treasure your friendship as well as your thoughts and prayers. I have missed everyone so much, but life is a bit hectic lately. I still keep up with a lot of you on Facebook, even if I am not here often.
To all of you newly postop, welcome to a fabulous journey!! Having gastric bypass was one of the best decisions I ever made, and I am thankful for my experience and results! To all of my buddies here, I have missed you a lot, but still love and think of you often! :)

Thanks Mrs. Ellen!! We don't have a name yet....might be a while!! We like Taylor for a middle name, but that's as far as we have gotten. LOL Boy names are a challenge...Jameson is named after his grandfathers. Not sure how we will come up with the next, but we're working on it! :)

You are definitely proof that it can be done (maintaining your weight loss) and to be having babies and still keeping the weight off is so inspiring! I'm very happy for ya'll that you have another on the way! I hope Jameson will like being a big brother! Blessings and prayers for a continued good pregnancy and a healthy baby!

Awww, thanks so much Kay! My appetite scared me a little back in June...well, that was my first clue that I was pregnant!! I wasn't hungry, but wanted to eat ALL the time. Just when I was starting to get worried about picking up old habits and eating too much when it dawned on me that I was pregnant!!! LOL
Jameson is going to love being a big brother!! And it is cool for Chuck to experience the brother thing (through his boys) since he only has sisters. We're both so excited!! Thanks again my friend!
Jameson is going to love being a big brother!! And it is cool for Chuck to experience the brother thing (through his boys) since he only has sisters. We're both so excited!! Thanks again my friend!

I am SO proud of you and proud for YOU and CHUCK! OH! And Jameson too. I know he will make as great of a big brother as you and Chuck are parents. February will be here before you know it! Keep us posted on the name, or do you have one picked out yet? I think Jarrod or Jarret either one goes great with Jameson! HEHEHE Love you guys and AGAIN! Congrats!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"