7 Myths about the flu

Louise A.
on 9/14/09 6:31 am - Anniston, AL
I thought that I would post this for all of you as Flu season is already starting.  I knew this but heard this all the time when I was nursing and still hear it today.
Myth 1. Flu is caused by cold weather.    False.  Caused by a virus
Myth 2.  One shot lasts forever.  False.  Only good for one season
Myth 3. The flu shot gave me the flu.  False.  The shots are prepared using a killed virus.. Use to hear this one all the time and still do.
Myth 4. If I get the flu an injection of Penicillin will cure it.  False.  Flu is a virus and Penicillin does not work on a virus.  Only if you a secondary problem such as sinusitis or pnemonia.
Myth 5. Not contagious if you don't have a fever.  False.  You are most contagious before you show any signs.
Myth 6.  The worst part is having diarrrhea and vomiting.  False.  Flu is a respiratory and mainly occurs in the lungs.
Myth 7. If you get the flu once this year you are immune.  False.  Can catch more than one flu virus. 
This info came from the CDC and the Mayo Clinic.  How many of you have heard these?
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