Morning. Lets get up and attem. Hit the deck running and don't slow down. Whooo. Have a wonderful day. I am going to. What have you got planned for today? I'm leaving in 3 minutes to drive the bus. Then My other job then driving the bus again. Then relaxing. I went to bed by 8 last night and plan on doing the same tonight. I've got where I can't hold my head up past 8. In fact I was asleep by 6 two nights last week.. This from somebody who usually sleeps 3/4 hours. Oh well, my body must need it so I won't complain. It's not like I have a whirlwind social life.
I did meet a nice man yesterday. I met Lucy Peterson Culpeppers father yesterday. He's a very sweet man. I met her mother last week. I welcome them to Guntersville. May they both enjoy their new life there.
Now lets get busy and have a wonderful day. Love, Miss Mary
I did meet a nice man yesterday. I met Lucy Peterson Culpeppers father yesterday. He's a very sweet man. I met her mother last week. I welcome them to Guntersville. May they both enjoy their new life there.
Now lets get busy and have a wonderful day. Love, Miss Mary
I'm up and at 'em Aunt Mary. Been up since 4 and already been to Wal-Mart. Had to get some school things for myself. That seems too funny! I saw the light on when I came by and knew you were already up too.
Yeppers, the Petersons are awesome people but "Dad" will talk your ear off. LOL They are so sweet.
My family is feeling back to 100% for the most part. THANK GOD! Let's have coffee one morning this weekend if you get the chance. We love ya!
Yeppers, the Petersons are awesome people but "Dad" will talk your ear off. LOL They are so sweet.
My family is feeling back to 100% for the most part. THANK GOD! Let's have coffee one morning this weekend if you get the chance. We love ya!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning Miss Mary. I know you are on your bus by now but you will see my greeting when you get back to your computer. I am feeling good again. I will get the rest of the stitches out of my foot tomorrow and I hope that will finish me off at the Dr. My home health nurse said she did not think he would release me because the surgery site was so deep. We shall see.
JUst think, I will get to see you NEXT weekend!!! I hope you have taken the whole day off on the 12th. You have got to play host along with the Culpeppers and Abernathys!!
Love you and have a good day my friend!!!
JUst think, I will get to see you NEXT weekend!!! I hope you have taken the whole day off on the 12th. You have got to play host along with the Culpeppers and Abernathys!!
Love you and have a good day my friend!!!
Morning Miss Mary. I am just working the plan today--walked 1.5 miles this morning. My times are getting better every day. Seems to be taking me a long time to get back up to the 3.0 miles a day I was doing before I got sick, but I just can't seem to get the wind to do it.
Sure was a good day to walk this morning. Guess I better get to my journal before I forget.
Sure was a good day to walk this morning. Guess I better get to my journal before I forget.
Volfan-in-Alabama ( HW/SW/CW/GW 448/439/244.8/225)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot Please visit