Wednesday hugs

I decided this morning not to do a verse. I want to introduce you all to an awesome person. He was the head football coach at Lincoln High School. He passed away Friday night. This man changed one of my children's lives and so many others. I had a son who was in advanced classes in school. In middle school one year, he needed a study hall. There was no room in any study hall. He was placed in a remedial class to do his study hall. The children started making fun of him and Daniel, who is very quiet and says very little, came home one day and told me about this. Evidently, Coach Howard had realized this. He asked Daniel to help him and to help some of the students do their work. Many teachers would have just told him more or less to suck it up, but Coach made it to where Daniel was actually helping others in that class with their work and of course, the ribbing stopped. He taught Daniel to give and to this day, my son is one of the most giving people I know and much of this is contributed to Coach Howard. Coach was always doing something to help children. He was an awesome man. I spoke with him many times. I never saw him at WalMart, a restaurant or anywhere that he did not speak. Please pray for his family, friends and students as he will be missed so so much.
You know, you never know when your time will be up here on this earth. Coach was only 48 years old. He did not have a clue going into that football game Friday night that he would not see the finish of it. Are you good to go???
Here is a link that tells you a tiny bit about this man: -town-coach-big-time-hero/
Please forgive my selfishness this morning, but often, we need to let someone know how important they have been. Unfortunately, I waited too late this time. We love you Coach Howard!!!!