Back Pains
Hi there,
I have no clue what I did, but my lower back and left hip are killing me. After being given transfusions in June, the idea of taking even Tylenol is spooky. Have made a call to the massuese (it's been hurting since yesterday morning) and hope to get in.
Any bright ideas to make the world a less painful place?
Thank you,
the pained one.
You haven't injured yourself have you? To be causing the pain? Even if it has been several weeks ago or a few months ago, and it is just now surfacing...think back about it. It can happen.
I have chronic LBP and hip pain from bulging discs (2) in my lower back, and it is no walk in the park. I also have a bulging disc (1) in the thoracic part of my back as well as bulging disc (2) in the cervical part of my back. I sympathize with you when you say your lower back and left hip are killing you.
I had a chair to give away from underneath me while on vacation in May... and I didn't begin to show symptoms or "feel" pain in my lower back and hips until July of that year. That is why I asked you if you have hurt yourself previously.
I'll be praying for be totally pain free and 100% back to your old self.
Best wishes,
You haven't injured yourself have you? To be causing the pain? Even if it has been several weeks ago or a few months ago, and it is just now surfacing...think back about it. It can happen.
I have chronic LBP and hip pain from bulging discs (2) in my lower back, and it is no walk in the park. I also have a bulging disc (1) in the thoracic part of my back as well as bulging disc (2) in the cervical part of my back. I sympathize with you when you say your lower back and left hip are killing you.
I had a chair to give away from underneath me while on vacation in May... and I didn't begin to show symptoms or "feel" pain in my lower back and hips until July of that year. That is why I asked you if you have hurt yourself previously.
I'll be praying for be totally pain free and 100% back to your old self.
Best wishes,
I bought some aspercreme yesterday and that seemed to help. Last night I had a lovely date that got my mind off of it for a short while ... lol, till we sat in the booth talking for three hours. This morning I see the masseuse .. and have to admit I am tempted to just stay home afterwards and enjoy the feeling. We'll see. Thank you for the ideas and good thoughts!