Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. I have been up for a couple of hours and have done some laundry and had my quiet time. Now, it is time to get going for another great day.
Ya know, I took the advice of a dear friend and lightened my load this week some. I did so again yesterday and I am feeling SO much better. Thanks Carmen! Our challenge for today is that. LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD! Don't get yourself SO bogged down in "LIFE" that you can not enjoy life. Do not overload yourself so much that you cause chaos. I litterally hate ( I know you aren't suppose to hate anything...but) chaos. We can get so busy that we lose touch with what is important. We can cause our minds to be bogged, our lives to be out of control, and our families to suffer. Don't do that. If there is anything you can take off yourself, do so. I have a call on my life and I can't do that calling IF I allow my mind to be SO BUSY that I can't hear or think. Neither can you! I know we can do this challenge. It just takes hearing it from someone else!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on? I'm LOVING me some Maxwell House Coffee and it sure is good too. I hope you are enjoying your beverage of choice this morning.
Have a blessed LOAD LIFTING day!
Ya know, I took the advice of a dear friend and lightened my load this week some. I did so again yesterday and I am feeling SO much better. Thanks Carmen! Our challenge for today is that. LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD! Don't get yourself SO bogged down in "LIFE" that you can not enjoy life. Do not overload yourself so much that you cause chaos. I litterally hate ( I know you aren't suppose to hate anything...but) chaos. We can get so busy that we lose touch with what is important. We can cause our minds to be bogged, our lives to be out of control, and our families to suffer. Don't do that. If there is anything you can take off yourself, do so. I have a call on my life and I can't do that calling IF I allow my mind to be SO BUSY that I can't hear or think. Neither can you! I know we can do this challenge. It just takes hearing it from someone else!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on? I'm LOVING me some Maxwell House Coffee and it sure is good too. I hope you are enjoying your beverage of choice this morning.
Have a blessed LOAD LIFTING day!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

(deactivated member)
on 8/26/09 10:44 pm
on 8/26/09 10:44 pm
Talk about heavy loads. My week has been horrendous. I'm leaving for vacation next week and since it's the beginning of a new month, I'm having to do all the first of the month bills, the director's monthly salaries and salaries for 2 weeks for the ladies. This is in addition to my already hectic schedule over here. At one point yesterday I had to just get up from my desk and walk outside for about 10 minutes. I was so overwhelmed. I love my job but it is more demanding than I ever expected. We're still doing the yardwork and cleaning Tara's office every weekend plus Leo and I have started a small musical group. We have 2 guitars and 2 singers. We practice every Tuesday night. I have to keep my grandkids at least one night a week. There's Wednesday night church plus I'm still helping out my old boss so that means about an hour every afternoon I'm giving to him. I'm losing "me" real fast. I'm not worried though. I'm still big enough that I can find "me" when I'm ready. hehe
Right now I'm doing fine but I don't think I'll be adding anything else to my life for a little while. I still give out very easily so I reach my limit and then stop. Friday night I'm going to be alone and I need it. I'll get plenty of "me" time and will be ready for my VACATION!!!!
Right now I'm doing fine but I don't think I'll be adding anything else to my life for a little while. I still give out very easily so I reach my limit and then stop. Friday night I'm going to be alone and I need it. I'll get plenty of "me" time and will be ready for my VACATION!!!!