I want to encourage all of you if you have any personal info listed on your facebook, myspace, twitter or whatever to please remove it. I have come to realize we are just inviting trouble when we list our home address, phone #'s etc on a public forum. You never know who will be watching and reading when you post that you will be gone from home for a week or day. I am guilty of doing just that, but no more. After Karla made a post on facebook yesterday about a buglary in Texas, I went and deleted all of my info. If we need that info from any of you we can always ask that you send a PM and it will still be private.
I live by the motto that one should not put on the internet what one is not willing to have on broadcast television or shouted in the middle of Times Square.
I have precious pictures of my granddaughter from this weekend, but will not identify her and will probably take the two I put on Facebook down after a couple days. I am particularly sensitive to children being posted on the internet.
It's a shame we have to be so careful. But there it is.