Anyone hear from Loretta???
Hello Carmen and Louise. I did well with surgery. My right eye is all patched up till morning. I go back to the dr's office at 7:30 am to make sure everything looks good, them I'm off to work. He wishes I'd wait till Wed. but tomorrow is the first day of school for our students and I really need to be there. I have felt well and rested all afternoon. I promised to take it easy tomorrow at work if I could just have his permission to go and he said as long as I didn't do too much. No lifting, bending ect..... Mainly, I will be working in the office tomorrow and in the hallways directing students to their classes, so that shouldn't be too hard for a first day.
The feeling has come back and it's a bit uncomfortable, but doesn't hurt at all. I am so impressed that they can remove a cataract (permenant lens) and replace it with an artificial lens and it NOT hurt. Just AMAZING! Praise God!
Anyway, thanks for the prayers and good thoughts and well wishes.
Love ya'll,