Sorry I have been MIA this week
Got home from seeing Grand Father Tuesday night late. Had a GREAT visit with him. Had some wonderful mom/son time. I took momma over to St. Augustine Beach Monday evening after we had our visit with him. We had a great time over there. That is ONE beautiful place. Guntersville is more beautiful, but that place is awesome. She has always wanted to go to St. Augustine and we were only 30 miles from there. Imagine her surprise when she saw we were going. We got to see an awesome HUGE lighthouse. You all know I collect them. This was the biggest and most wonderful one I have EVER seen.
My Grand father is in a Hospice center. It is so nice. 2 weeks ago, he was sitting in his room and this man walks in and says he use to know a man with the same name as my Grand Father's. Come to find out, this man was on the same WW2 Ship that my Grand Father was on. The man was there visiting the sick (he is a minister). He was a petty officer in my Grand Father's Company. They had become close the 2 years they were on the ship and often wondered about each other. Here they were, 44 years later and had connected in a Hospice Center when this guy came to pray for the people there. My grand father was over joyed. The local newspaper came and did a story on them both and my Grand Father was pinned that day. He says his days of excitement were over, or so he thought. This made his last days so bright. You can imagine the smile he had on his face as he tried to tell Momma and I about it. He could hardly breathe, but he had to tell us about it. He had the article from the news paper and gave it to me to make copies for our family. I have to say, it made me HONORED to have a Grand father who worked and served our country in WW2 and to serve our Navy. He is going to be buried in Jacksonville, FL at the Military Graveyard there. Please keep him in your prayers. I don't want him to suffer. He gasps for every breath.
I have missed you all. I've driven 1588 miles since Sunday and I have trip lag. LOL See you all in the morning for Coffee talk.
I love you all!!
My Grand father is in a Hospice center. It is so nice. 2 weeks ago, he was sitting in his room and this man walks in and says he use to know a man with the same name as my Grand Father's. Come to find out, this man was on the same WW2 Ship that my Grand Father was on. The man was there visiting the sick (he is a minister). He was a petty officer in my Grand Father's Company. They had become close the 2 years they were on the ship and often wondered about each other. Here they were, 44 years later and had connected in a Hospice Center when this guy came to pray for the people there. My grand father was over joyed. The local newspaper came and did a story on them both and my Grand Father was pinned that day. He says his days of excitement were over, or so he thought. This made his last days so bright. You can imagine the smile he had on his face as he tried to tell Momma and I about it. He could hardly breathe, but he had to tell us about it. He had the article from the news paper and gave it to me to make copies for our family. I have to say, it made me HONORED to have a Grand father who worked and served our country in WW2 and to serve our Navy. He is going to be buried in Jacksonville, FL at the Military Graveyard there. Please keep him in your prayers. I don't want him to suffer. He gasps for every breath.
I have missed you all. I've driven 1588 miles since Sunday and I have trip lag. LOL See you all in the morning for Coffee talk.
I love you all!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"