Good Morning
It's time to rise and shine. I want all of ya'll to have a wonderful day today. I'm going to. I'm leaving for sitting job right now. I will prepare us breakfast. Homemade apple blackwalnut waffels with sugar free syrup. At 7 I'm leaving to go to orientation for school over in Albertsville. I will leave there at 11:30 and go to Huntsville to pay Dr. Foreman( 1 o'clock appointment) my yearly visit. Then back to the sitting job in Arab. Then home to get ready for church tonight. I hope have time to go by Ross's and pick up a few things. I will try anyway.
So get out of bed and get yourself in high gear. If I can anybody can. Grab a cup of coffee and hit the deck arunning. Have a fantastic day. Love, Miss Mary
So get out of bed and get yourself in high gear. If I can anybody can. Grab a cup of coffee and hit the deck arunning. Have a fantastic day. Love, Miss Mary