Thursday Hugs
Sending out hugs on this wonderful Thursday morning. Please remember those who are without jobs. A very good friend of mine's husband has worked for Jefferson County for 28 years and will be without a job after tomorrow. There are so many hurting and scared. I know that my God is more than able. You all have an awesome day. I love ya!!
Though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident. (Psalm 27:3)
A man who had learned how to be sustained in the most difficult trying times in his life, wrote this. He learned an awesome lesson - in the middle of tradegy, he did not need to live in fear, because God was his defense. Though in a war zone, he could be fully confident that God would protect and sustain him. There is hope for us because God has promised never to leave or forsake us. There is hope because we are not alone.
Have a good day and pass it on,I love all of you! Juju