vitamins and B12
on 7/28/09 4:39 am
I'm sure that everyone is different but I was able to swallow tablets after the first couple of weeks. I would have thought that whoever did your blood work would have told you what to do about the B12 levels. I don't know myself. My surgeon's office does the bloodwork and they confer with me as soon as they know the results. Even when I have my blood work done here by my primary care doctor, they always tell me when something is up or down and what I need to do. Sorry I'm not more help.
You really should call the surgeon's office about when you can swallow pills. If they say you can, then give it a try! I still do chewables but they don't bother me (and I'm over 3 years out). Elevated B12 level is not a problem. Mine is high too and my doc said it was fine. As far as your energy levels (from your other post), It was over 3 months before I started feeling really good. Also the heat of the summer is hard on new postops. Also, the more protein you get in the better you will feel. I was dragging and my iron and B12 were both high, but my protein level was low. My doctor said that was what was causing my low energy. Also, have you started exercising? That will help get your energy up. Just start out slow. Congrats on the weight loss and smaller sizes. Soon you won't believe how fun it is to shop!