What's On YOUR Agenda For Today???
I spent the entire day with Holly, Beau and Christian. We went sight seeing and also went to Tannehill State Park. It was all nice and we had a nice drive around. Their home is without a/c at the moment. Seems the mobile home people swapped their unit on them when the installed it. What they have connected is NOT the one that was sittintg in their laundry room left to be installed. Very sad is you ask me. The one that is hooked up is not large enough to cool their moblie home. We just realized today that it's NOT the same one they had had sitting in their laundry room waiting to be installed afterall. You better believe Timberline Homes will be called first thing Monday morning and told of this situation and will probably be getting a letter from Beau's uncle who is an attorney regarding this matter if they don't reconcile it immediately. This is ridiculous. Please pray for our kids. It seems like they keep hitting every road block that can happen to them,HOlly has had car troubles again and they have also made some bad financial decisions lately, but they are going to have to learn the hard way and learn to deal with it on their own. They've got to learn they can't runt o us or my Daddy every time something goes wrong. It's time for them to step up to the plate and take care of their own matters. IT's hard to let them do it, but it's getting easier, cause they seem to keep making the same dumb mistakes. I will take care of my grandson, but they will have to take care of their own matters. As a matter of fact.....I insisted they bring me diapers and wipes for his 10 day stay here next week and he's also staying with us while their a./c is out since he has a nice cool bedroom at our house with a nice big bed in it that's ALL HIS. I try to keep him a structured as possible and he really enjoyed that structure that we provide. He loves it here better than anywhere. He considers this HIS HOME. He cried when he has to go home. He cries when his Mama and Daddy come get him. All he wants is is Nana and Papa. It's so sad, but that's the choice Holly made when she wanted me to keep him all summer. It wasn't MY choce at all. I only wanted to keep him 2-3 days a week and I have him anywhere from 5-7 days a week. He usually spends at least 3 nights with us during the week and sometimes more. It's just easier for all of us that way.
So, please say prayers for all of us where all is concerned.