OT....Michael Jackson is dead at 50 from cardiac arrest
OK, I am not looking to start a flame. Let me say this again, I am not looking to start a flame.
No, he was never convicted. But neither was OJ, should we close our eyes to the DNA evidence that the jury ignored? How about the 450 people that have been released from jail due to jury’s that wrongfully convicted them, yet DNA set them free. The judicial system is not perfect, we know this, but we have to stand behind it, I can deal with that. But, don’t think that people don’t get set free or are wrongfully convicted every day you awake. Then, there is the little thing called, “let me buy your silence"… Ok, maybe if this happened once… sure pay them off, and go away. But time after time? And, he continued (admittedly) to share a bed with young boys. And, there is nothing wrong with this picture.
About the boys lying…
I was assaulted by an adult when I was 9, and my parents were offered $1M, I would have told them to take the money and run. $50K to cover my shrink... $950K to play, yeah... I would take the deal to. Imagine that number being $10M, hell that kind of cash would make me turn a blind eye to just about anything. After all, this is America... the land of opportunity.
For the record. I have some of his music on my iPod... I am not a hater, just a free thinker... There is a difference.