My secret pal...
was Lindy Spinks. (I think I spelled that correctly) THANK YOU!
I got a beautiful purse; and the most truthful shirt "GIVEN ENOUGH COFFEE I COULD RULE THE WORLD"
And a beautiful coffee cup! I will enjoy drinking my coffee out of all day! Can never have enough coffee or coffee cups I say :)
Thanks to all of those who played secret pal; your support has meant so much to so many and made someone smile! Please continue to be that type of support. Play secret pal to give a smile and a hand of support for someone.
I got a beautiful purse; and the most truthful shirt "GIVEN ENOUGH COFFEE I COULD RULE THE WORLD"
And a beautiful coffee cup! I will enjoy drinking my coffee out of all day! Can never have enough coffee or coffee cups I say :)
Thanks to all of those who played secret pal; your support has meant so much to so many and made someone smile! Please continue to be that type of support. Play secret pal to give a smile and a hand of support for someone.
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06