Tuesday Coffee Talk
This post somehow has touched my heart.I have always went to God for help when I am stressed but because of my pride (I always think I can handle it because it is my problem) and always thinking I go to God to often that I have failed for the past 2 months to do so.I know I go to church and I believe in Him whole-heartedly but it doesn't mean that I don't slip up sometimes.Here lately I have been letting my depression get the best of me and I wouldn't ever dream of doing things against God, they have been creeping in my mind.I felt compelled to say something to this post.Funny thing is I don't get up this early unless my kids are up and I haven't been on the computer this early nor do I come to this website often enough.I don't know if this post was for me I am sure that other people are out there and it was meant for them I just know I came here this morning and read this post. I can always put on the best poker face ask my friends they will tell you! Thanks Randall for an eye opener!!! God Bless All!
Brandy, You are someone and you ARE someone special! God sees you as a spark in His eye. HE created YOU right along with ALL of us in HIS Image! We all fail Him, yet he is like we as parents. If our babies fall, we don't let them just lay there. We help them up, dust off their back side, give them some love and off they go again and we have to trust that they will not fall again, yet we know they will somewhere along the way. Stop beating yourself up. Keep up your chin and love you!! If you don't love you, know one else will. God did mean for you to see this today. I know it and God wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU! So do I!! Have a blessed day Brandy, my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
WOOO HOOO...I AM special. My Father owns everything...I am a child of THE King!!!!!! We are so blessed and do not even realize, nor can we fathom how much. We ARE so special!!!!! Thank you for reminding me just how special I am this morning. He loves us ALL so so much!!!! I love you my dear brother!!!!! Have an awesome day today.