Thursday Hugs!!
Sending out huge hugs to all on this terrific Thursday morning!!!!! You all have an awesome day. I love you all!!!
Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:165)
We all need to personalize the Bible....not just once, but repeatedly, day and night. Allow the Word of God to pursuade us and to influence our thinking. Allow It to change our behavior. No matter what any human being may say to us, if it does not line up with the Word of God, it needs to be dismissed. The Word of God is a standard by which all instruction should be tested.
Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble. (Psalm 119:165)
We all need to personalize the Bible....not just once, but repeatedly, day and night. Allow the Word of God to pursuade us and to influence our thinking. Allow It to change our behavior. No matter what any human being may say to us, if it does not line up with the Word of God, it needs to be dismissed. The Word of God is a standard by which all instruction should be tested.