To my friends on OH
Love yall,
Debbie Doo,
Thank you so much for your reply. I know there are so many others that have it much worse off. I am thankful that I am in a profession that is not hit as hard as many others out there are and I am thankful that I am in a specialty that allows me to do this travel work that pays well. I am just so tired and now I am bitter too. I was pretty much on the verge of breakdown last week so now I am just taking it one day at a time. Please continue your prayers for us.
I have got to get my head on straight...I have sorta slipped into a mode of not eating well and I have gained a few pounds. I am still in the same size but they are snug now. I have got to stop snacking and looking for comfort from these problems with food. I now that is what got me over 300 pounds before. Argh....and ouch even.
I hope that we will be able to see you guys soon. I look forward to it.
It really meant a lot to read your reply. I will post again as I can. I go back to work tomorrow at the hospital for my 7 days on.
Thank you for the prayers. I have said them too. I flip between being mad at the world to praying about it. I can't seem to get past the fact that they brought someone back doing the same job for less money and then let him go. It makes me MAD!!!
I hope to be able to get together with you guys soon. I could really use the "me" time and I love getting together for the dinners.
Know that when God closes one door he is opening another.
Ted has been with his company over 10 years and I am preparing him for the worst.
2 left; and things are being made more and more difficult.
I know that God has promised us and Beth you get prepared. Tell Bill to hold out both hands and prepare for fistfuls!!! Stand in Faith..and keep working hard!
I love you my sister! You know you hold a special place in my heart; and so does that sweet boy of yours.
I will be faithfully praying for you.
As someone told me today; Paul was in prison and faithfully Thanked God. Never failing to live in the Joy of the Lord!
Know your Joy is coming; Your going to have that house maybe not this year; but keep the Faith that the blessings are coming; doors will open and God will be with you all the way!
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06
I wish I had your faith. I have never been really good at it. I did say a prayer the other day that if this door was being closed to please open another one soon. I don't think we can take much more. I am waiting for something good to happen. We sure didn't need or deserve this.
Thank your for your thoughts and prayers. We need them. I am so mad and so bitter right now that I think if I ran into some of Bill's old co-workers I wouldn't be so nice. (I know.....) Good thing I haven't.
I hope to see you again soon. I'm sorry I don't keep in touch like I should. I am so tired right now I don't have much time for myself...much less anyone else. I love you though! Thank you for the sweet comments about Jeremy. He is definetely a sweet hearted child.